Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just chillin'

Warning: odd cat behaviour photo.

Gossamer loves to sit on top of the AC unit and look outside. That's all fine, but I don't understand why he keeps three paws on the AC and let's one hang off...

No, he's not in the middle of a jump or getting comfy. Apparently he is comfortable like this. I assume so, since this is how he sits there. And he's not particularly fat either (it's all just fluff), all his paws would fit on it just fine...

I don't get it.


  1. :D Ihana! Sulle on haaste mun blögissä.

  2. Ooh! eka haaste, kauheet suorituspaineet tuli heti. :D

    1. Mohahah - no ei vaiteskaan. Kyllä se siitä ;)

  3. hahaa! Lokin jalka tekee ihan samaa kun sen hengaa sohvan selkänojalla xD aina yks jalka tolleen ulkona vaikka ihan hyvin mahtuis siihe. Sanotaan sitä 'kanankoipi-efektiksi'. kun se aina hengaa ulkona ja näyttää sellaselta random koivelta. XD
    woi George, miks oot niin hieno~~


  4. ...eiku gossamer! damn brain, work with me! XD kirjotan omiani
