Monday, June 11, 2012

Craft show, done

I'm exhausted but happy. And when I say exhausted, I mean tired and achy and who knows what else, but still very happy.

I have to say that the turnout of shoppers was less than last time. It had to be because there were so many other things going on at the same time. It was the F1 weekend, Mont Royal street was closed for a sidewalk sale and the beer fest was in town... And to top it all off, the weather was beautiful (or so they tell me, I was in the basement).

It was understandable, I think I would've been outside too. However, the notebooks were a hit. I'm so happy about that. I did take a risk not just bringing them, but concentrating so heavily on making the notebooks. It did pay off and I sold a huge chunk of the ones I made.

Additionally, and this is one of the reasons I love attending the shows, I met some really amazing people and was able to talk about my craft with other people who make things or who are really interested in it. It was so wonderful. I got to talk about my inspiration, my techniques, my creative process and the reasons why I make things. It's so inspiring. And I got to hear other people's stories as well.

I'm happy how my table set up turned out. There's still a lot of things I can do better, but I definitely learned from last time.

[World's tackiest tablecloth in action. WTT also got plenty of compliments]

All in all a very successful show and I'm looking forward to the next one!

If you attended, what did you think of it? If you didn't, have you attended craft shows in your home town? what are they like?


  1. Hyvältä näytti! :) Olispa täällä jotain samankaltaisia häppeninkejä..

    1. Kiitos! Mulla ei (onneks) ollut aikaa kierrella muiden poytia pahemmin, olisin voinu muuten postata pari muutakin kuvaa sielta. Ma oon kuitenkin aika amatoori tassa hommassa viela, kun vertaa moneen muuhun. Hyva niin kuitenkin, olis voinu menna vararikkoon jos olisin ehtiny kunnolla kiertelemaan...
