To everyone celebrating today:
Iloista Joulua! Merry Christmas!
Chris and I celebrate both days. Today in the evening we have our own Christmas celebration. We eat well and watch silly Christmas specials. (Not the traditional ones, like Muppets or Charlie Brown and definitely not "It's a wonderful life". Nope, we'll watch all South Park Christmas episodes.)
Last week I asked for opinions about continuing the mail related posts on Mondays and since it seems to be liked, I will continue it for now. And I am bringing mail Mondays back with a bang! It's holiday mail time, so I can guarantee that this has been the busiest week since I started tracking my mail.

Here's the pile of mail I took out at one go. I counted I sent around 40 pieces of mail the week I sent out my holiday cards. Below are a few samples of the envelopes I sent out.

I used different green washi tapes to add different patterns to the envelopes. I then tried to add different types of embellishments on top. Here you can see round cutouts from books or a more shapely one from patterned paper.

A lot of my envelopes were white, but I did add some colorful ones in the mix as well. Not that it really matters since the only time they are all in a pile is when I took the photos.

There are some cards that went out to families with young kids. I tried to add a little extra on those ones with a Disney Santa and whatnot. Of course, if you look at the previous photo, there are some Sanrio Deers that certainly are not going to any kids. Overly-cute, big-eyed deer are not just for kids, right?
I also got quite a few things in the mail... There were quite a few cards with pictures of the family sending it, so I'm obviously not showing you those ones. I didn't ask for permission, nor do I think people were expecting to see their family Christmas cards on the interwebs. So, I'm only showing you some of the envelopes for now.

One day I got four cards in the mail, which was awesome! There were a few awesome handmade envelopes. You can probably see which ones...

So, did you get any fun holiday mail? Did you send any out?
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