I've continued with the same principles as my other products, only using repurposed paper. They are either made from book pages, cards, wallpaper or other rescued paper. I assemble them from several separate pieces of paper. I'm especially proud of the fact that they can be packed flat and they are so light you can mail them very easily!
It makes me extremely happy that my lovely customers have embraced the handmade ornaments and the ornaments are finding new, loving homes frequently. It's always such an amazing feeling when someone loves something I've made as much as I do. That's really the reason I run the shop.
Since the aforementioned fairs are close, I've been experimenting with my table display. Although I'm happy with the one I've been using, I feel the holidays need a new setup. So, I found this display rack (I think I mentioned it already) last weekend and was just trying it out. I have to say, the photos just don't do it justice! I love it! In fact, I love it so much, I almost wish I could keep it at home!
I'm off to go make more ornaments and I have a new batch of holiday cards in the works as well. 7 days 'til launch, better get a move on.
Tell me about your plans for the weekend!
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