There's probably a ton of different ways to make envelopes at home, but I prefer to use a template*. I have at least 10 different ones I've made for myself and will, for sure, keep making more. I am very particular about what kind of envelopes I like, so when I see a shape and type of an envelope I like, I make it into a template.
So, to get started, find an envelope (or a few) that you like**.

for the template
- envelopes
- scissors
- pen or a pencil
- cardboard (any sturdy material will work, I use a lot of cereal boxes) size depends on how large of an envelope you are making
for the envelopes
- paper (I'm using scrapbooking paper for this tutorial, but anything you like works; wrapping paper, book pages, etc)
- glue

Once you have the envelope opened, trace the outline carefully on to your cardboard. If your envelope is badly ripped, made of very delicate material or you're not comfortable in your tracing abilities, then glue the envelope directly on your cardboard.
Cut out your template.

To make an envelope with you brand-spanking-new template is super easy (and really fun, be aware that you'll make a ton).
Start by selecting a paper. (So much fun!) Experimenting with different types will give you very different and cool results. Try small patterns vs. large images or gift wrapping paper for different effects.

There's so many things you can do with the templates. Check the transparent envelope tutorial HERE or the coloring book envelope tutorial HERE
I'd love to see the envelopes you make. Please share if you make some!
* if you don't want to make one, you can buy ready made templates at very reasonable prices. For example: check Paper Pastries Shop for one HERE
** If you don't have any unused ones at home, check mail that you received (yes, even bills). There are also plenty of free printables online.
*** To soak, just immerse the envelope in a little bit of water. As soon as the glue comes apart, take the envelope out of the water and on to some newspaper (or kitchen/paper towel) to dry. Once dry, continue with the rest of the steps.
**** Just don't use a book you still plan on reading. I have a heavy book that's slightly damaged I use to press my envelopes in. This way any spilled glue doesn't ruin your favorite book.
Wow! Kiitos! Kunhan herään duunin jälkeisestä koomasta niin alan askartelee. Mulla on nii hiano paperi mun edellisestä kalenterista jonka halusin sendaa sulle jotta voisit tehä jotain siitä, mut yritän tehdä siitä kirjekuoren ja sendaa sillä tavalla :D
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Win-win situation! Tosi kiva kuulla, etta tasta on heti oikeesti hyotya!
DeleteOi, aivan upeita! Itse askartelin juuri viisi kirjekuorta, mutta tätä lukiessani tekisi mieli askarrella vielä lisää :D
ReplyDeleteKiitos! Naa on kylla vahan vaarallisia, makin innostun aina valilla vasailemaan... Tulikin tassa just mieleen, etta pitaiskin varmaan taas tehda muutama... :)
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