Happy Monday everyone!
I had a whirlwind of a few weeks and looks like I've hit a calm before the invariable storm. I am hoping things calm down a bit soon, but I am busy with fun things, so I'm not really complaining.
I thought I felt a hint of fall in the air the other day, but it's still looking full-blown summer here. I love fall, but I'm in no real hurry to get there. Does it look like fall where you are?
This week was exceptionally colorful when it came to mail. See for yourself:

The first one is a vintage-inspired one. I tried several new things on it. I like how the address worked out on several small stickers. I also wrote the name with a sharpie and tried a quick collage again. Even the stamp is new, it's from the new
photography series from Canada Post.

This colorful mail went out to
Mary, who's had a couple of crappy weeks. I figured this would be a good time to send out silly colorful mail, with scratch and sniff ice-cream stickers. Obviously. If you
follow my instagram, you've also seen
a peek of the inside, the silliness continues.

And finally there's the colorful letter going to Marie in Florida. This also has some ice-cream scented stickers and a overly-colorful envelope. It just felt right this week.
What do you have planned for this week?
Siis aaah vielä kerran sikaiso kiitos tuosta kirjeestä! ♥ Ja toi karkki!!!! OMG RAKASTUIN! :D (mähän rakastan kaikkea mikä näyttää, tuoksuu ja maistuu kirsikalta) Tuli kyllä niin oikeaan aikaan taas. Sä osaat tajmata noi postit hyvin haha. Nyt kun duuni on ohi niin voin alkaa askartelee kirjettä takaisinpäin VIHDOINKIN! (Toivottavasti siitä tulee hiano haha) Ja vielä näin finally: Nää sun kirjeet on kyllä varsinaisia taideteoksia :)
ReplyDeleteKiitos kommentista! Tosi ihana kuulla, etta tykkasit ja etta se tuli sopivaan aikaan! Hyva tietaa myos etta diggasit siita karkista, nappaan messiin kun seuravan kerran osuu taas kohdalle!