I got a cold about a week ago and it's starting to get pretty annoying. I am somewhat functional, but I feel everything takes me a bit longer than usually.
I only sent out one thing this week (I think), so it'll be a short mail Monday post...

There's more mail going out this week. Well, that's the plan at least. Right now I'm drinking crazy amounts of tea in hopes to start feeling better.
How was your weekend?
And it is true that casinos need other customers to see winners. But slot placement is more complicated than simply placing the hot ones on the ends of aisles. On video slots, push one button for the variety of paylines you wish to activate, and a second button for the variety of credit wagered per line. One frequent 온라인카지노 configuration has 9 paylines on you will be able to|which you'll} bet 1 to five credit. Video slots are also out there with 5, 15, 20, 25, and even 50 or more paylines, accepting up to as} 25 credit per line. While Western Australian gaming machines are similar to the opposite states', they do not have|they don't have} spinning reels.