I'm so excited about the things I found at FanExpo. I could've bought so many things, but I was good and only got the things I absolutely wanted!

Next one is The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide. It's an amazing book with gorgeous illustrations. I mean, come on, all sorts of creatures from the Star Wars universe! The wildlife is divided into sections according to the planets they live on. The creatures include some obvious one like the Tauntauns (most notably seen in The Empire Strikes back) and Sarlaccs (Seen on Return of the Jedi) but also a little less known ones like Ottas and Urusai.
Finally, I found Fairy Quest: Outlaws. A friend told me about it and just like that, one copy happened to be there, on the table all by it's lonesome, just waiting for me. The art is beautiful and the topic is exactly what I love; new adaptations of old, traditional stories. In this case, fairytales.

The other purchases is the print of Batmobile by Ron Gyuatt. It's the Tim Burton Batmobile (guys, these are important details!) and a part of a series of three Batmobiles. I loved pretty much everything and could've easily bought half a dozen posters just to start. Very nice guy too. Once I have decided where to hang the poster, I'll share a better photo.
Below the Batmobile is a few small cards (A pet Narwhal for Max's room) and a couple of stickers from Rosey Cheekes. If you like cute things, you need to check her work out! She's just as cute as her illustrations! I had a nice chat with her about the Expo experience as a whole and it was so nice to get a small business owner's view on the whole experience.
Another purchase also for Max is the creature on the lower left corner. His name is Mr. Jefferson and he's from The Monster Factory. Picking out the right one was interesting...*)

The black and white characters are stickers by Jesse Rayburn. I snatched up the last dark side one and got a few others too. Need I mention he was very nice?!
Since I'm on the topic... Every single person I talked to was great. Ultimately I felt extremely welcome and had a blast.
So, what do you think of my finds? Any that appeal to you? Please share your nerd-loves!
*) Since Max is not yet able to articulate what he likes, we scoped
his reactions to various monsters on the table by showing them to him one at a time. Interestingly enough,
some were not interesting to him at all while other seemed to grab his
attention. While we were picking up and putting down one monster after
the other, the ladies at the booth were very patient with us, quite
enjoying seeing Max's reactions, another lady at the booth also stopped
to watch. Now, that's totally fine, she was quite lovely and showed one
of her favorites to Max. It
was one of those Max was not really interested in. It did get a little odd, though, as she kept picking up
the same monster and kept saying how that is her favorite. After every
monster we showed Max, she showed the same one. Over and over again. I'm not sure why she was so insistent. I guess she really liked that one...
Eikä! Vaude mitä juttuja oot löytäny ja hei mikä tuo Pieces in Wonderland oikein on, sehän näyttää aivan vallattoman suloiselta! :O
ReplyDeleteNii siis tajusin nyt vast näin jälkikäteen, että sä olit laittanut tuohon linkin :P
DeleteEiks oo ihan alyttoman siisti! Ma pysahdyin ihan samalla sekunnilla kun se osui silmaan. Venkoilin viela etta ostanko vai en, mutta pakkohan se oli. Katopa niiden taiteilijoiden muitakin toita, ihan alyttoman siisteja!