Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lovely Letters - Task 3

With mail craziness going on over here, I realized I didn't post the third task for the Lovely Letters project.

The third task is fairly easy with 10 things you like. It's nice though, this allows room for creativity. I've already started working on mine and have a few ideas what to add to it. Again, I'll show you a peek once I've given it enough time to reach my partner.

Holy card, Batman!
The last task was to send ten questions to your partner. As the letters were due just around Halloween, I really wanted to incorporate something halloweenie into my next piece of mail. I used the same format from my regular Halloween mail and sent the questions to my parter carried by a bat.

How are you letter exchanges going?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Feeding the mailbox

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was wonderful, but one of those where there was something going on the whole time. It started on Friday when Chris and I needed to find a birthday present for a 2-year old as well as a baptism gift. I spent a long time at the book store, I'll tell you about that later. We had a great dinner on Friday, then I went out with a couple of lovely girls on Saturday and Sunday was the baptism and the birthday party. Busy weekend, but I got to see so many people. It was just amazing!

My week will be busy as well, but more from a shop standpoint. I have deadlines this week I absolutely need to make and hopefully confirmations on some plans that have been in the works. I'm not trying to be mysterious here, but in all honesty I'm working on so many things at one time it'll make sense to start  sharing once there are actual confirmations. I can tell you I'm working on my applications for the holiday fairs.

I'm still lagging a bit behind on my letters. I have a couple of more to write but I am glad I got a few sent last week. My mailbox was definitely more quiet this week, but I can see why. Write a letter to get a letter, right? I did get a postcard from my sister and mom, however I only realize now I don't have a photo of it. Thanks though!

Like I said, I did do better on the outgoing front.

Mail Love - outgoing

As you can see, there's a number sent out. Some are personal correspondence and some orders from the shop.

Mail Love - outgoing Here's a better look at some of them. The one on top is made from a security envelope and of course dolled up with some Korean stickers.

Please note the stamps. I just got these from the post office the other day. How awesome are the costumes? If you're curious, these stamps are of the Black Watch a.k.a the Royal Highland Regiment of Canada. You can see better pictures HERE

I'll be back soon with more posts.

How has your week started off?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The candy hunt

Let me tell you a little story about holidays and how early the season starts...

So, Chris and I went to the store a few days ago to buy some Halloween candy. 

- For those not familiar with the concept, Halloween candy is regular candy, but packed in small portions. You can buy big boxes with (usually) four different types of candy, like four different types of chocolate bars or different Maynards candies like Swedish berries, the boxes have 50 to 100 of these tiny portions of candies. So, you basically get snack-sizes of sevral different types. What could better? -

We walk in the closest place to sell this stuff which is a Pharmaprix (Shopper's Drug Mart for you non-Quebecoise North Americans, a pharmacy for the rest)

- For those looking confused right now, pharmacies here are not like European pharmacies where you just buy medicines and maybe some coughdrops. Here pharmacies are practically like convenience stores. We have places that are 'just' pharmacies but the bigger chains carry a ton of other stuff too. For example, I would always buy shampoo and conditioner from a pharmacy.

We walk in at around 9:30pm on November 1st. To clarify, that is the DAY AFTER Halloween. The reason why we went in the day after is the fact that Halloween candy is discounted after Halloween. I actually had uses for the small portions of candy (perfect to send with a letter, among other things), so it just makes sense. 

- There's two different ways to think about this. There's Chris's way "Small portions of candy makes sense. You can eat one, which won't make it that unhealthy and a box like that will last you a long time. Perfect for when you feel like for something sweet but this way you won't have too much". Then there's my way "F* YEAH! CANDY! NOMS! This way I can have more AND I don't have to just pick one. I can have them all! Screw eating healthy, it's practically Christmas anyway! SQUEEEE!" *sugar high jitters*

[too much info? Well, it's the truth!]

Anyhow, back to the store. We walk in and there is Not. One. Single. Piece. Of. Halloween. Candy! The shelves and the floors are filled with brown cardboard boxes and there are two employees unpacking them. And what are they uncovering?

You guessed it! Christmas candy and ornaments.

So, my question is; when is it too early?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Inspiration

I have to be honest with you guys. I'm trying hard not to start posting Holiday things already. I am in no way trying to start a Christmas panic* with anyone, but the fact is that I've been working on holiday cards and Christmas ornaments for a few weeks already. My head is completely in the holiday season already.

Source: hometone.com via Katri on Pinterest

To make sure you guys won't get bored of all the holiday awesomeness (the name of one of my pin-boards, go check it out if you want to get a feel already) I do have some other things in mind as well. There is a small corner in my brain that's not filled with everything Christmas and that corner seems to be filling with home decor today.

I do blame all the British decorating shows I watched when I was living in Finland for my undying love for British style fireplaces (I swoon over Victorian fireplaces). Well, fireplaces in general, but the idea how essential they often were on these shows. That's where I learned that it doesn't matter if your fireplace even works, you can still use it as a focal point of the room (I clearly also learned the term "focal point").

They would decorate old fireplaces that weren't functional. They'd fill it with candles or decorative objects. They'd display items on top. Oh, the character those homes had...

Source: sheknows.com via Katri on Pinterest

I will admit to seriously considering building a fake fireplace at home. I will also admit that I have not completely abandoned that idea. (crap... now I'm actually thinking about how to go about this... No! Stop! There's too many projects already!)

I have a ton of holiday projects and posts for you guys, so just be mentally prepared that there will be Christmas stuff! Are you ready for it? Anyone else nuts about the season like I am?

*) Christmas panic = the feeling when you start thinking about how many things there are to do before the holidays, how many gifts to buy, how many packed stores to face. Decorating, food, etc...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

After Halloween

As much as I love Halloween, it is now done for a year. Certainly there will be some stragglers left behind and some parties going on next weekend, but, no matter if we want it or not, it's now November.

Ah, November. The month of moustaches and when it really starts getting darker (not necessarily related, yet I guess they could be). Most people don't really like November.

Contrary to popular beliefs, I think November is awesome!

I have so many fun things planned for this month! There's a whole lot of Christmas related things, but many, many seasonal ones too! There's ideas how to celebrate the fall through snailmail and how to make waiting for the holidays even more fun! I have a whole lot of new things to share with you guys and hopefully some exciting news too! (I don't know about the news yet either, I'm waiting too. Not trying to be mysterious here)

Plans for November
Look at this! I even made a daily plan for HipsterCurious for the entire month of November. I took a photo just when I started filling it up with the topics to write about so you'll see them as we get there.

Aren't you impressed?

As a final goodbye to October, here's what a halloween pumpkin looks afterwards (pumpkin hangover of sorts)

Pumpkin hangover

EWWW! tee-hee *snort*