Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday scheduling

I'm planning for the new week. I know reading a post about how busy the blogger is gets really boring. I also know that there hasn't been anything really interesting in the blog recently. Don't get me wrong, I only write about things that interest me, but I have the opportunity to see what kind of topics you like to read about. I do check the traffic to my blog fairly often to see what are the more popular topics.

The good news is that there are more DIY projects coming, I know you like those! And I promise there will be some non-snailmail related ones coming soon. Don't worry though, there will also be plenty of snail mail. In fact, there's some new style of outgoing mail for the post tomorrow. I've also developed a new easy recipe to share with you.

Spring is coming
The snow is melting. These photos were taken almost two weeks ago, it's even better now! Soon I can start sharing spring photos from Montreal.

I'm currently working on some very interesting projects. I actually get to plan my first wedding decor/concept! That's really exciting! I'm making custom invitations for two parties, the wedding I mentioned and another event, which is a combined birthday and baptism. It's so much fun to get to work on two such different events. I'll share some photos eventually if my customers will be ok with that. That'll have to be later though, since I'm sure they'll want their invitations out first.

I'm also still working on re-stocking my shop and trying out some new ideas for new products.

How does your upcoming week look like?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Inspiration - Circus

Isn't it funny, how something can stay lodged in your brain for quite some time and then when the time is right, it just comes at you from all angles?

I've been fascinated about vintage circus posters and imagery for a long time, but it's only recently that I find myself bombarded with everything to do with the theme.

Besides the forever-long fascination with vintage posters and photos, I think it was when I started planning a circus tattoo that I really got swept up. I didn't end up getting the tattoo (yet!), but I'm fairly certain it'll come sooner or later. Until then I wanted to share some circus themed inspiration with you. I even created a circus pinboard, so follow me over at pinterest if you like the same things as I do!

Source: via Katri on Pinterest

Source: via Katri on Pinterest

Source: via Katri on Pinterest

Source: via Katri on Pinterest

Source: via Katri on Pinterest

Do you have something fun planned for the weekend?

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I have to make a confession. I don't like playing boardgames.

Weird, right?

I just can't really remember enjoying them much. There were a few I played with my sister when I was a kid that I think I liked, but as I got older I really didn't enjoy them.  The only exceptions I remember in the last decade that I had fun playing, or that at least seemed like fun, were Risk and, more recently, Scattergories. I'm much more of a puzzle kind of a gal, so that might be a reason why. Also, and here's another new piece of info about me, I am absolutely tone deaf*. So, this really limits my ability to play games like Cranium or anything that has a musical ("hum or whistle this song while your team tries to guess it") element to it.

The reason why I am telling you this is that, even though I don't like playing boardgames, I really love vintage boardgames... Makes no sense, right?

I am irresistibly dawn towards the boardgames at any thrift shop. The older the games, the better. I have an unexplained weakness to collecting colorful playing cards and cute game pieces.

Vintage game pieces
Even though it's very hard for me to top the joy in finding the vintage treasures I've been searching for a long time, like the globe and the trunk, I did make a little squee of happiness when I recently found these two in the shop! how amazing are these cards? I simply adore them!

Vintage game pieces
Vintage boardgames
Vintage boardgames

Anyone else out there who dares to confess not being a fan of boardgames?

*) and I don't mean this in "oh, I can't really sing very well" -kind of a way. Oh, no! I mean this in a "everyone who has ever heard me even hum along a song, has asked me to stop" -kind of a way.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bursting at the seams

My head, that is. I'm having an overflowing kind of a day. The kind where there's a million things to do and I have a hard time prioritizing.

I've had this problem for as long as I remember. In my working life, however, I've spent years to learn how to deal with it and I've become fairly good at it. It's hard to use those same methods in my personal life, but I think it's just a question of getting used to it.

I have plenty of ideas for upcoming projects, I have a few custom orders to fill, I'm designing two different invitation suites and to top it all off, I am thinking about home decor. A lot. Oh! And I've been experimenting with some new recipes too.

Do you get these kind of days? How do you deal with it?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Mail

I took a weekend long break from my blog to basically just relax.

I saw many dear friends, some who came to town for the holidays, some who are already here. We had a great dinner on Friday night at le Quartier Général. It's a BYOW* place I've heard great things of, but haven't managed to get a reservation until now. I had a phenomenal duck tartare! If you're looking for a great bistro style restaurant, I'm highly recommending le Quartier Général!

I sent a few things in the mail last week. The biggest effort was, hands down, the Easter mail. This week my plan is to catch up with my regular correspondence.


Pastels galore! They went out in all different colors and with different contents. Above are just a few examples.

Mail Love - Outgoing

I also sent out a package in pink-ish hues. Some flowsies and some uber-cute tape I found from NYC. I've been hogging it until now for some reason... Of course some vinyl letters and washi tape too. Just to make sure it won't be subdued or anything silly like that...


Mail Love - Incoming
I got a few Easter cards myself.

How was your weekend?

* Not sure if I've mentioned this, but I know at least my European readers might not be familiar with the concept. BYOW = bring your own wine. It means exactly that. You bring your own wine to the restaurant. Which, I have to say, is a really awesome concept.