Saturday, December 7, 2013


How are you today?

I am, as the header states, having trouble sleeping. It's my own fault really. Combine a love for zombie TV shows (OK, the Walking Dead*) with an overactive imagination and you get a lot of very vivid zombie apocalypse -type scenarios going on at 5am. The good news is that they aren't really nightmares, but scenarios that I, immediately after waking, must put together a plan for. This, in turn, usually wakes me up fully.

Things are starting to fall into their places over here. We got all of out stuff on Thursday, so I spent a good portion of yesterday just unpacking. The kitchen is almost done and a few pieces of clothing have already found their places. Most of the furniture is already at their designated spots. I can't wait to get more of the boxes done, get my studio set up and, of course, put up the Christmas tree.

Gossamer is off to explore the new solarium.
This is Gossamer headed over to the solarium. That's where my studio will be set up. Eventually.

I'm also missing the cable for my camera. So, even though I do have some new photos to share with you, I can't get them out of the camera yet. So, unfortunately, all I have for now are some less than stellar photos taken with my phone.

Got any helpful tips for problems with sleep?

*) Frankly, I am shocked half of the characters are still alive. I believe seeing, and usually loudly pointing out, the flaws in their survival strategies has equipped me with the necessary skills to survive a zombie apocalypse should one start at any point.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

- Incoming Transmission -

*Static noise*

Can you read me?

I'm reporting to you from across the Ontario border. I have arrived a few days ago. The first few days were spent gathering supplies and scoping out the surroundings. I am now securely located in my new base and the communications seem to be working.

I have survived the trek without much physical damage. Besides a few minor mishaps I am unscathed. Emotional damage still undetermined.

The locals seem extremely friendly, yet wary. No zombie sightings as of yet.

If you haven't heard my previous transmissions, due to poor connections or potential zombie attacks, I have now relocated to Toronto, Ontario. Expect reports coming more frequently as long as the communications stay active.

I will report back soon! Please leave a note that you've received this incoming message in the comments section!

Talk to you soon!

P.S. I saw a comforting sign just a few blocks from my new base. I feel a little more safe now!

Friday, November 22, 2013

I've missed you!

I'm coming back soon! I Promise!

The Beaches - Toronto
There are so many things going on right now and the last few months have been insane! I have a lot of stuff to tell you guys and I'm so happy to see at least some of you still come by here. 

I am currently packing up all of my earthly possessions into various sized cardboard boxes. 

I haven't had time to do crafts like I used to and I am way behind in all my snailmail correspondence. I will write to you all soon!

The Beaches - Toronto
I wanted to just come by to share how much I've missed writing this blog. I've missed the comments and interactions with all of you! I get so inspired when I write!

I'll be back soon! A few more weeks I hope!

Photos are from my recent visit to Toronto. More about that trip soon as well.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weeks, months

The few weeks turned into a few more. I didn't forget, but I didn't want to rush either.

It's been a good few months.

I've been working hard and can see the hard work starting to pay off. That's always rewarding, but there's still plenty more to do.

I just feel it's time to start planning my return here. I won't get into the same pace of new posts, at least not yet, but I have missed writing.

Unplanned, but somehow appropriate, the day I felt ready to continue is September 1st.

Happy September! How have you been?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Have a break, have a ... Wait! What?

Hello, hello!

How are you doing?

I have to tell you guys something. To be honest, I am surprising myself, but I need to take a little break from the blog. I never really thought about doing that. In fact, I have a long list of topics to share with you guys. Yet, I just realized yesterday that taking a short break is the right thing to do.

Don't you just hate it when a blog you've been reading does that? Yeah, me too. But, sometimes this is absolutely necessary.

I am, finally, starting a new job tomorrow. I did mention it before, but it's now time. It's also prime wedding season, so I have a lot of custom work to finish. And, I also realize that even though I have a ton of ideas I want to share with you guys, I don't actually have the time to make (plan, photograph, edit and write) them. This is especially true for the DIY and recipe posts. 

So, all this is to say that I'm taking a short break from the blog. I'm thinking a few weeks to get my schedule back on track again. You can still find me over at various social media outlets:

And of course, don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' and you'll know exactly when I'll be back again. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail ( if you have any questions or comments during my absence.

See you guys soon!