Monday, September 3, 2012

Mail Monday

As I'm still scrubbing the paint off my hands and continuing the (way too) ambitious organizing project, I wanted to take a quick break to share a few pieces of mail. Only outgoing this time, the only incoming were materials I needed for some new products and they came in a brown cardboard box. Not much to take photos of.

Mail love, outgoing

Mail love, outgoing
I also sent out some orders but I realize that they look similar than what I've posted before, so I'm only showing mail that looks different from before. I think this means that I need to come up with new designs again. I also finally started using the Korean stickers, they are pretty awesome, this one is of a bear holding a fish under his arm and saying "here". Obviously...

Have you sent or received anything cool in the mail recently?

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I just wanted to share that I have been painting for two days. I'm covered in paint up to my eyebrows. (no, seriously! I took a bit too much paint on the brush and it dropped on my face. Luckily I was wearing glasses, so my eyes are fine, but I had to pick paint out of my eyebrows for a bit)


I still have a bit more to do, but it's definitely looking different! I'll show more photos later!

How has your weekend been so far?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday inspiration

Maybe it's the first signs of fall, but I can't stop thinking about redecorating... The first place I want to re-do is the bedroom. It just need a little facelift.

grey-bedroom_lynda reevesMy bedroom

Photos from Flickr (click on the photos for direct links)

After having an aubergine purple bedroom for three years, I feel it's time for a change. I'm feeling more and more drawn towards grey. We'll see what happens.

What colour is your bedroom?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Breakfast of champions

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We also hear how we should always eat breakfast. Yup, makes sense. No, I don't have time for that!

So, in my effort to eat better (I'm still at it, believe it or not) I tried hard to eat breakfast. But, since I felt like *making* something was too much work, I ended eating a lot of cereal bars. I was all happy doing that for a while, until I mistakingly read what's in them... With that much sugar I might have been eating pancakes or something else yummy instead of something "healthy". (Ok, there's still a lot of good things for you in them, but wanting to drop a few pounds, the bad things were not helping)

Homemade granola bars

So, all this resulted into an odd moment of hippiness from my part and I bought a ton of ingredients to make my own. I did a lot of research, read tons and tons of recipes and a lot of them seemed somewhat complicated. Until I saw once sentence in one of the recipes (I can't remember which one, I'll add the link if I find it again):

1 cup of "glue" to 3 cups of dry ingredients

That was the one that made the most sense to me (honestly, it was the easiest), so I decided to try it out. Lo and behold, it worked! And it keeps working! Fantastic!

Let me explain; "glue" in this case is what binds the bars together. I've used unsweetened applesauce, either with just apple or apple-strawberry, apple-mixed berry or any other combo with a few tablespoons of honey.

Healthy shopping

Here's what you need:

3.5 cups of rolled oats
2.5 cups other ingredients
- dried fruit
- nuts
- seeds
- dark chocolate
- flax seed / wheat germ (only a few tablespoons if you use either one of these)
2 cups unsweetened applesauce
honey to taste
pinch of salt
pinch of cinnamon

First measure the rolled oats into a bowl. Start adding your other ingredients. This is not an exact science, so use what you like in amount you like. I basically just started filling a measuring cup with different things, first a few tablespoons of wheat germ, then a few crushed pieces of dark chocolate (I used organic 70% chocolate) and top off the cup with sunflower seeds. Then I added 1/2 cup of raisins. Finally I added 1 cup of finely chopped dried fruit. I love dried peaches, so I added those, but whichever you like will surely do just fine (not sure about dried banana, since it's hard, I'd use any soft fruit/berries). I've used apricots, kiwi and cranberries. Just test out what works.

Then throw in a pinch of salt and some cinnamon. Finally mix the honey into the applesauce and mix everything together. To make sure your bars stick together, make sure you pack the mixture tightly into a pan lined with parchment paper. (The parchment paper is there to make it easier to remove the granola block from the pan after)

Bake at 350 F for about 25 minutes. Once it's cooled, cut into bars (squares, whatever shape you like).

Homemade granola bars

Score! You're done!

Have you tried making granola bars yourself? What's your favourite combination?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I love books

It's probably pretty obvious to everyone by now, but I do love books. In my dream home, one day, there will be a library. Even though, I have to admit, I also own a Kobo, nothing beats a book.

You can imagine my joy when I met a real live librarian (who was awesome, by the way) who asked me if I would like to come rummage through some of the books she has to weed out from her library.

Would I ever?!?

I squee'd with sheer joy and was ready to barge in immediately. She's the librarian at a private school here in Montreal and was getting ready for the new school year. I went to visit on Friday and was tempted to take all of the books home. I tried clinging on to the last fleeting scraps of sanity and only picked the ones I knew I could use (and maybe a couple I just absolutely loved...)

library books

I came home with 45 children's books and an assorted pile of lose pages... These are mostly from the 60s and 70s, but there are a few newer ones in the mix as well. They are the books that have suffered over the years (loose pages, binding coming undone) or the ones that no one has checked out in years. They were looking for a new home and how could I say no...

I'm so excited and can't wait to start using these! Stay tuned for pictures once I get the work properly started!