Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Mail

Happy Monday guys!  It's time for some mail again.

First, let me say Thank you to all of you for your birthday wishes! I have taken note of your comments and e-mails in response to my birthday post. I will be sending out some mail in the next few days...

I've also worked on yet another mail related DIY project that I'll share with you guys soon. Again, I'll give it a few more days to hopefully reach the recipients before sharing the details with you. In fact, I have quite a number of mail-related plans to share with you in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned!

The easiest way to keep up to date is to follow me on Bloglovin or through blogger. All the follow options are in the left sidebar <-- Don't forget Instagram either! I always share sneak-peeks of my mail and other projects over there! I don't usually share those photos on the blog... You'll find me @brinnertime

Anyhow, on to the mail!


Mail Love - Outgoing
This little guy is headed to Hawaii. I wish I was going too. I was there a few years ago and absolutely loved it...

I wanted to try a few new things on this one. I recently found this really cute pale blue lace tape I wanted to try out and felt like using some of my large polkadot stickers. I think it turned out pretty fun.

Mail Love - Outgoing
A different approach to the pale blue was more primary colors. I made this envelope from vintage wallpaper (Imagine having that on your walls).


Mail Love - Incoming
Another prettily addresses letter from Susanne.

Mail Love - Incoming
And, as you know it was my birthday last week, so I got some extra mail this week. Here's a few packages I got. Isn't that silver envelope pretty nifty?

That's it for me for this mail Monday. More to come soon. Have you received or sent something cool recently?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The big reveal - Vintage Trunk

I'm so excited about this. I have been looking for one for so long and now that I wrote about it, I found one within a few weeks. (Just wait, I'm going to start writing about all sorts of other things too that have been on my list for a long time)

The cats have so far accepted the trunk as another place for them to nap on. Gossamer especially seems to like it, partially because he gets a clear view of the TV from the top of it. They haven't paid particular attention to it since it came into the house, but the second the camera comes out, they start play-fighting right in front. And of course, once the trunk was opened, I couldn't get Gossamer out of there. So, kitty-infused photos, s'il vous plait!

Vintage trunk
[Yes, that ball of fur on the left is two cats rolling around on the floor trying to bite each other. Not one large, oddly-shaped one]

Not only did I find one, but I found three trunks in the thrift shop. One green, one blue and one burgundy. The other two were in worse shape than this one, so I picked the green. It was the one I liked best anyway and it's actually a very similar shade of green I've painted the living room.

Vintage trunk
The inside is paper covered entirely and comes with a tray. The tray part has been re-enforced with duct tape, so I'll need to come up with a way to fix that. Besides that, however, it's in pretty great shape.

Vintage trunk
At the moment it's sitting at the end of the current coffee table in the living room. It's too small to work as a coffee table by itself, but I'm not concerned about finding uses for it. Right now it will stay where it is since it feels like it belongs there. Perhaps later I'll find another spot for it.

Vintage trunk
I will still keep an eye out for another one to work as a coffee table, but I'm just so excited to have found this one. Oh, and I'm always curious how much people pay for their amazing finds, so I think it's only fair to share, right? I paid $40. Which I find pretty damn affordable.

So happy!

Have you made any kick-ass finds recently?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Inspiration - Alternate uses for a trunk

My love for vintage items is no secret. And I'm fairly sure neither is my love for repurposing and upcycling. I've talked before about finding the perfect coffee table and how I would love to find an old trunk for that purpose. Now, I recently made a major score at a thrift store. I'll show you proper photos soon, if you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen a peek already. (If you don't follow me on Instagram, go do it now: @brinnertime)

I am currently trying to figure out what else could one use a old trunk for besides the more obvious choice of a small table.

This is still a table, agreed, but I like the added legs. That alone gives it a new twist. I'm thinking some wheels might be great. Think of the old, industrial style ones.

Source: via Niki on Pinterest

I love the idea of turning it to a bench. These seem very sturdy though, so not just any old thing would work.

Now this, ladies and gentlemen, is pure genius. This is the kind of use of an old item I love to see!

Back in the day everyone (well, the wealthy) used trunks for travelling. They're a nod towards the steamship-transatlantic -era. This is cute for a kid, but I'm thinking how my shoes would love to live in a trunk like this. Just add shelves instead of the drawers.

In all honesty though, I love my current shoe closet.

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

A nightstand is, as it so happens, also a type of a table. So nothing new there. However, I like this idea of the trunk being upright. My bedroom doesn't have space for large nightstands, but I didn't think if this. Pretty nifty.

And finally, something completely different. But so ingenious. Obviously works best if you own a large dog. Two tiny cats don't really get the full use of this kind of a set-up.

Can you think of other things to use a vintage trunk for? I'd love to hear them!

P.S. This makes me also think of alternate uses for old suitcases... Maybe I'll write another post on that topic...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Let's Partay!

Today is my birthday! I am now 33 years old. I could write this deep and thoughtful post about life and such, but instead I'm having coffee and chocolate for breakfast.

I will spend most of the day today crafting and whatnot. Doing all sorts of fun things. This includes putting together some very random snailmail-y things. So, here's my question:

Do you want mail from me?

If so, there's two things I'm asking you to do; 1) leave a comment to this post. Tell me how you celebrate your birthday, or what the weather is like, or what's your favourite chocolate. Anything really, I just want to hear from you! 2) Give me your postal address. Either leave it in the comment or send it to my e-mail [at] Add a link to your blog too if you have one, I'm always looking for new things to read.

I'm not sure how many pieces of mail I'll send out. I'll just probably pick a few.

You have until the end of today (midnight EST), March 7th.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scavenger hunt - part two

As I mentioned yesterday, I also sent out a package to my assigned partner and promised to share what I sent once I received confirmation that it had been delivered.

My assigned partner for the swap was Cam. He's a musical theater student living in New York. You can find his post about the package and his reactions to it right HERE. He has more photos over there, so I'll just share a few.

Scavenger hunt - what I sent
This is the city explorer's kit. I clipped some newspaper articles about language, photos and poutine (yes, very important). I added a few maps, one of the Plateau, a metro map and wrapped the whole thing in a larger map of Montreal. I also added a few flyers I really liked. I also included notes and comments on the various things I sent. And finally I topped it off with the favorite photo I've taken of Montreal.

Scavenger hunt - what I sent

Scavenger hunt - what I sent

Out of the list of 10 things, I ended sending Cam a package full of mail goodies, something not square or rectangular, a bad day survival kit, something describing me, the city explorer's kit you already saw and finally a small gift. You can see all the photos from Cam's blog.

Scavenger hunt - what I sent

Scavenger hunt - what I sent
I wrapped it all in tissue paper and finally a map.

I do think he liked it, which makes me very happy.

I would also like to mention that, YES! I am indeed a Tetris master! It makes so happy that you noticed that Cam! Seriously! Growing up in a culture emphasizing humbleness and teaching us that bragging and boasting is bad, this is the one thing I will openly admit being proud of! My spatial conceptualization skills are out of this world. I have mad packing skillz! And YES, I win at Tetris! Damn straight peeps!

Please listen to this while thinking about how amazing I am at packing my suitcases for traveling

Thank you!